Don’t Be A Tosser Wear A Mask!

Some nice straight to the point proof and information FROM A SURGEON!! Stop listening to all these bloody stupid social media experts and wear a mask!

The virus has not gone away it is still rife! Announcing proudly that you will not wear a mask does not make you cool it makes you an arsehole!

You won't be so bloody cocky if your Mother, Father Kids or family get this from you and end up dying.

If you had an ounce of common sense they would not have to make this law or fine you £100 for not wearing one, you would be doing it anyway to protect yourselves and others.

Bloody grow up, don't believe all the crap you read online and take some responsibility for yourself and your fellow humans!

You can get 10 of them for four quid at Amazon. Now I am a tight bugger but £4 to protect your life why are you still here? I will even make it easy for you just make a choice below and get your cash out never mind bloody sausage rolls from Gregs!
